Friday, May 29, 2020

Employer Branding The Inbound Recruiting Way

Employer Branding The Inbound Recruiting Way Building an employer brand, especially online, for all the world to see has become paramount to your business. It’s easier than ever to discover what a workplace is like nowadays, so why not take full advantage of that? Most of you reading this will know that finding and connecting with top talent is not simple. The very best talent usually aren’t looking for a job. But at HubSpot, they believe they have a way of getting around this. We speak to  Hannah Fleishman, the  Inbound Recruiting Manager  at  HubSpot,  to find out why candidate experience is such an important piece of the employer brand puzzle, and what strategies you can put in place to truly build relationships with top talent. Have a listen to the interview below, keep reading for a summary and be sure to subscribe to the  Employer Branding Podcast. Listen on  iTunes,  Stitcher Radio,  Google Play  or  SoundCloud. In this episode youll learn What an inbound recruiting manager does About the corporate culture at HubSpot About the talent challenges Hubspot face as an organization What inbound applicants is and why it is their best source of hire How HubSpot take inspiration from Netflixs culture What the four stages of the inbound recruiting funnel are Hannahs top tips for employer brand managers HubSpots guide to measuring  employer brand Whats next for HubSpots employer brand Connect with Hannah Fleishman  on  LinkedIn  and learn more about Inbound Recruiting  here.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Whats On Your Tool Belt - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Whats On Your Tool Belt - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Everyone brings their own tools. Everyone wears their own tool belt. It’s how we address challenges. Whether they are business related, technically oriented or social in nature. Everyone has skills they bring to the table. In today’s modern society everyone has instant access to information. However, that’s not enough! Just knowing about stuff, just having information, is not the same as knowing how to solve  the  challenges that we will  face. We need to experience things in order to learn. Case in Point: You CANNOT learn how to ride a bike by reading a book. You need to get ON a bike and learn. We learn by Trial and Error … and a few scraped knees. So, where do you go to get experience? Well, most of us just slog it out in life and learn via the school or hard knocks. Of course, many people have documented what they have learned so that we can stand on the shoulders of giants. So that we don’t have to literally and figuratively re-invent the wheel every time. Whether that’s  brain surgery or how to fix a leaky faucet or change a spare tire. Those skills have been documented. We can learn from them. These experiences from others can help us to  hone our tools. However, we generally also need to experience these efforts to gain a true proficiency. Are you going to trust a doctor that has only read about brain surgery? In business and in life we all need these  tools to get our jobs done. Some we can read about.  Others we need to experience. And, of course, some are physical tools that require us to complete a task and others are more mental. The reason we want these tools sharpened and honed is because these are the things that we will use to build our reputations. Those that can bring a wide tool belt that has a collection of sharp tools will stand out in their careers and be sought after for future  projects. Take the time to sharpen your tools and take the time to keep them sharp. Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. ~ Abraham Lincoln How can you  grow your Tool Belt? How can you make it wider so that it can hold more tools. Should you ever drop some tools off or pass them along to others that need them more? The answer to both is the same. Education combined with mentorship. As you continue to educate yourself … whether directly from an area of study or involuntarily from things that you were required to respond to in real-time you will sharpen your tools and widen your belt. Very much like apprenticeships for a lot of different roles you can and should seek out mentors and be willing to be the mentee. If you need help seeking formal and informal mentors take a look at my fellow PBB co-writer’s post. If you need help understanding what you can do as a mentor take a look at my post Mentors and Inspirators â€" The Need for Both. A mentor / mentee relationship can help you widen your tool belt while developing a plan for offloading some of the tools you have sharpened and honed. Learning Today for Tomorrow What should you educate yourself about today so that you’ll be ready for what comes up tomorrow. This is a tough question, but one that can and should be seriously considered. Consider what makes you happy and what you want to do with your time and who you want to do those things with and for what period of time. For example, if you want to become a CPR instructor you can likely set a fixed timeline to accomplish that skill. To hone that tool while widening your toolbelt. Or, let’s say you want to become a manager at work. This is something that in many ways has no end. This is a set of skills that you hone over time. As you get better at hiring you may be able to pass some of those skills on to your team so that they know exactly what you are looking for in people. As you move up the chain in the organization you will be able to delegate (hand off) some of those functions (tools you’ve honed) to others. Consider  the United States Navy Seals. They are said to practice every possible scenario that might come up in a specific operation. They want to make sure they are ready. Guess what? Conditions change and they often need to improvise. This is the same with your tools and tool belt. Everything will not always go to plan. Be ready to improvise. Be ready to adapt your tools. There is no fixed plan that is going to work every time. The idea of having an ever widening tool belt with a selection of tools is to insure that you have a place to start when a situation occurs. Will you be ready for everything? No. But, you will have a place to start. Educating Yourself  â€" What Should you Learn? Collect ideas  â€" What do you want to be known for? Ask yourself  â€" What do I need to learn to get there? Ask your friends  â€" Ask them the same question. And, ask for their help in helping you get there. Ask your mentor  â€" Allow them to provide their guidance which may help you avoid a speed bump or dead end path. Then take what you’ve learned and decide which tools you will hone into a sharp skill. It may be too early to decide which you will discard or hand off to others at this point, but you will be ready with a collection of tools Finally, take the time to schedule yourself some homework. Whether it’s a physical classroom or a  virtual classroom. Lastly, take the time to evaluate how things are going. Then, as necessary: Reset If it’s not what you had planned consider the options Re-sync  Goals and plans change. Consider if you need to change with them. Re-ask for guidance  â€" from yourself, your friends and your mentors. Repeat as necessary (practice makes perfect) The end result should be an ever widening tool belt with a collection of sharp tools that can help you advance and stand out in your career. When done right you will be able to hand off some of these tools (skills) and help those that are up-and-coming. In this way you can pay it forward for the next generation and help them widen their tool belts.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Learn How to be an Effective and Influential Communicator - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Learn How to be an Effective and Influential Communicator - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Today, I speak to Bert Decker about effective communication, including the significance and some useful tips for successfully communicating your message to others, in and out of the workplace.   This is clearly a very important topic to go over, especially because people have short attention spans, make quick first impressions and enjoy good presentations. Why is effective communication important, not just in the workplace, but in life in general? What makes it such a significant quality for developing a personal branding? Bruce Barton, founder of BBDO and a great businessman and author said, “Talkers have always ruled, they will continue to rule. The smart thing is to join them.” If you look at every walk of life where there is human interaction â€" teaching, business, government, etc. you will fine the most effective and successful people are those who can communicate well. Not so much in intellectual pursuit â€" that is more cognitive and less behavioral. In my new book “You’ve Got To Be Believed To Be Heard” I talk about the New Communicators who are successful (Steve Jobs, Harold Schultz, Oprah among others) and the Old Communicators who are not (Lee Raymond-Exxon CEO, Michael Chertoff, Jeannine Pirro) and the difference is totally in their communications. Spoken communications. There are a lot of people out there that are scared to public speak. What are your tips for conquering stage fright and rising to the occasion? Fear is an inside job, and everyone has some. There are four stages with emotion, behavior and position relating to each. (eg: Emotion one moves from Terror to Fear to Tension to Stimulation. You have to ‘just do it,’ but with feedback and support. The best feedback is video feedback, and everyone should go through a video feedback program at least once every two years â€" particularly if they are fearful. It’s a great confidence builder (after you get over seeing yourself for the first time.) Can you explain the importance of eye contact and body language when communicating with others? I can write a book on it (and have with “You’ve Got To Be Believed To Be Heard.”) Simply put, the eye is the most powerful of all our five sensory organs, and is essential for three connections: intimacy, intimidation and involvement. When we are talking about business communications you want to be involved, engaged, with your listener. Eye communication is the most important of the six behavioral skills, and you should get in the habit of looking at people for at least five seconds â€" whether in an audience or in an interview. Then we glance away, and look again. When you don’t have eye communication, you flat out don’t have communication. The other five behavioral skills are important to communicating, and involve energy through gestures and voice. Communication rides energy. How does one go from communicating a message to building trust? [youtube=] You can’t communicate a message without building trust. You can write it out I suppose, and communicate information, but we are talking about personal communication here, about influencing people, and that’s totally different. What are the eight steps to transforming your personal impact? Go to a communications program. Stay in a coaching relationship to get feedback. See yourself on videotape, regularly. (And record your voice on a digital audio recorder â€" think of the phone.) Have a focused, listener based message. Have a forward lean in creating opportunities to speak publicly. Read books on communicating. Help others communicate more effectively â€" teachers learn. Ask more of yourself. When it comes to the internet, people communicate without ever saying anything. How does one shape impressions, when they arent really allowed to talk (maybe in a podcast)? Now this is really the subject of an entire separate interview â€" communicating effectively in the Blackberry/Internet/iPhone/Twitter/Blog age. There are ways to not abuse the great technology available. Bert Decker is founder of Decker Communications, Inc. For more than a quarter of a century, his company has been transforming the lives of hundreds of thousands of business professionals. He has been featured in the NY Times, Business Week, 20/20, as well as being the communications commentator for the NBC TODAY Show for the presidential debates. He is a professional speaker and best selling author of Youve Got to Be Believed To Be Heard and Speaking With Bold Assurance. Hes the founder of four companies, Chairman of Bold Assurance Ministries, NBC TODAY Communications Expert commentator, and Advisory Board Salvation Army. In his spare time, he blogs.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Use Scrum in Agile Marketing to Bring More Visibility to Your Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

Use Scrum in Agile Marketing to Bring More Visibility to Your Brand - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career Its important for your personal brand to be prepared for the latest marketing trends online. In order to accomplish this we need to have specific systems and instructions in place. Scrum methodology and agile marketing both help you to prepare for the future and have an effective strategy in place. Is your management team to be quick to respond to your online community? Timing is everything when it comes to monitoring and communication, which can lead to missed golden opportunities. Today a personal brand should be actively engaged on social media, tracking content and staying on top of the latest trends. Knowing the needs of your audience is also important along with staying flexible in your overall marketing plan. How Scrum Can Work for Agile Marketing Utilizing the Scrum leadership principle to organize your team and content marketing can help better capture the needs and desires of your audience along with improving upon what you already have. Here are several ways to accomplish this: Set a deadline with flexibility Be open for any changes in technology and on social media, which happen frequently. Create goals at the end of each deadline to track your progress and to provide further actions to your workflow that can help improve the process. Keep a regular content schedule Publishing on a tighter time table can help your brand focus on the most popular topics or trends for your niche. The aim is to give your audience the most valuable and relevant information that they are interested in reading and sharing. Gather your team daily Take some time to brainstorm and go over what is working, and what can improve. You dont want anything to stand in the way of being effective. This process will help you to clear up any misunderstandings and keep everyone on task. Plan for unexpected events Social media is driven by customer communication and feedback. A successful agile marketing campaign involves being ready for whatever happens next along with special attention to social media conversations and activity. Agile marketing involves team collaboration, planning, and flexibility. These steps will help you to create a more cohesive team, encourage creative ideas, and build a successful brand online.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Adding Success to Your Monster Resume

Adding Success to Your Monster ResumeMonster Resume has been helping thousands of job seekers find jobs for a long time now, and in case you haven't heard, it's one of the top resume services available in the market. As a result, many of them have tried to improve their Monster Resume templates, but some of them are only succeeding with minimal effects.The fact is that when it comes to resume templates, there is nothing impossible if you have the right tools. Even the most difficult to use resume writing software can be improved, if you use the right tools at your disposal.The first and the best way to improve the resume of any applicant is to ensure its proper presentation. In case you're one of those applicants who has studied marketing or the technical world, you probably know how important it is to present yourself in a professional manner. The best way to do this is to create a custom resume template for yourself, which contains only the important information in an organized fas hion. You should also add your skills and qualifications so as to bring about a professional image, especially when you speak of your employer.The second thing that will make a difference to your resume is to ensure that the resume is optimized for search engines. It is true that your resume will need some time to be search engine optimized, so make sure that it is ready when the time comes. And this doesn't mean that you need to spend money for this, but you should know that there are free tools that you can use to make sure that your resume is ready for search engines before you submit it to every single resume directory that you can find.Although it might be true that a killer sales letter is better than a good resume, there are times when you need to avoid using these methods to get a job. After all, when it comes to getting a job in the business world, credibility always matters, and if you give off a desperate vibe by using these methods, no one will hire you.Although this mig ht sound contradictory, creating a resume for your resume needs to have more consistency than other forms of advertising. As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and if you manage to capture your audience's attention with just a couple of sentences, this is exactly what you need to do. By being as clear as possible, you can eliminate any potential confusion that your resume may cause.In case you need to make sure that your resume is properly prepared, you can ask a friend or even a professional to read it. This will help you catch any mistakes, and you can fix them before submitting it to your future employers. If you do not have any friends or colleagues around you, it's still a great idea to hire a freelance writer or a professional editor to proofread your resume.The last tip that I would like to share with you is the fact that using a popular Monster Resume Template will help you make the best impression possible. Since this tool is widely used, there is a huge chance that there will be many people who have also tried to improve the template of their own. This means that you can find useful tips from these people and add to your resume, which could make it better.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

6 soft skills that can boost your career

6 soft skills that can boost your career 6 soft skills that can boost your career Wonder why you didn’t get that last job you applied for? After all, your hard skills â€" degrees, training and related work experience â€" were a close match to those listed in the job requirements. The fact is, although the right academic pedigree is important, a majority of employers are still looking for candidates with the right mix of “soft skills.” What are these so-called soft skills? Those are the personal qualities, abilities and habits that enable you to interact effectively with other people. They make you a good employee with leadership potential. Together, hard skills and soft skills comprise the total package that employers are looking for in job candidates. However, according to a recent survey from DeVry Universitys Career Advisory Board, only 7 percent of hiring managers said that “nearly all” or “most” job seekers have the right combination of skills and traits that their companies need to fill open positions. The study also revealed that managers hiring recent college graduates rated soft skills, such as high integrity, a strong work ethic, accountability, self-motivation and strong basic interpersonal ability, as the most critical attributes for successful candidates. Maybe it’s time for you to assess whether your résumé and interview answers represent your total package. According to the survey, here are six important soft skills that every job seeker should showcase in front of a hiring manager: 1. Go beyond just speaking the language A study from Millennial Branding showed that 98 percent of employers viewed communication skills as “important” or “very important” when hiring for entry-level positions. Good communication skills encompass much more than just speaking well. You need to be a good listener, use appropriate body language, ask the right questions and write clearly and convincingly. Obtaining a professional internship is a great way to enhance â€" and highlight â€" your communication and interpersonal skills. 2. Deeply understand true collaboration Teamwork and collaboration are about being able to function effectively and efficiently as a group. Remember back in school when your teachers assigned team projects? They were trying to teach you these job-critical skills. Employers want people who can work together to accomplish a plan, since virtually every job requires some level of teamwork and collaboration, and each team member brings different capabilities to the project. Job seekers can stand out from other applicants by relating experiences that required teamwork, whether as a volunteer, during school or in previous jobs. 3. Employers prefer problem solvers In today’s fast-paced business environment, employers want to know that you can jump in to solve problems and help your company achieve its goals. This skill is seldom listed in a job posting, but always essential once you’re on the job. Hiring managers are looking to see how well you can draw on creativity, logic and past experiences to address a challenge and solve the problem at hand. Use personal anecdotes to show the interviewer situations where you were able to take initiative and make a positive difference. 4. Technology skills are fundamental Technical skills are no longer a nice “add-on” for job seekers. Most jobs today require some level of computer and technical skills. With technology changing quickly, employers are looking for tech-savvy applicants who understand basic software development and the latest database tools. Many job seekers neglect to mention these skills in their résumés and job interviews because they feel these skills are implied. 5. Work without a safety net Are you the type of person who can do your job without being micromanaged? Employers want workers who can proactively manage their workloads and complete tasks on time, without continual direction from others. Exhibiting your past experience handling projects with minimal supervision could give you a competitive edge over other applicants in your job search. 6. To err is human Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s important for employees to speak up when they’ve made one and face the consequences â€" instead of directing blame at someone else or the external environment. Accepting feedback about what went wrong, and finding ways to correct the problem shows maturity and reliability. Workplace accountability is important. In order to achieve larger company goals everyone must work together and be the best employee they can be. In an interview, be ready to share a time when you failed and be sure you show humility. The good news is that, like any skill, soft skills can be learned. One way to improve is to take a writing or public speaking course at your local community college to boost your communication skills. Or, volunteer with a non-profit organization where you can develop team-building, decision-making and cooperative skills. The better news? Boosting your soft skills gives you a leg up on a new job or a promotion, and helps you succeed once you get there.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Monday Tip Ask for feedback - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Monday Tip Ask for feedback - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog This monday tip comes from Marco of Some of us have always thought that a compliment which we ask for is never worth receiving. Maybe we think that if we ask for it, then it must be insincere. Is that always the case? In fact, even a compliment that we don?t ask for can be insincere and sometimes by asking for a compliment we can get an honest feedback. How can that happen? Some people are simply not accustomed to paying compliments and need encouragement. Even people very close to us might be unable to understand what kind of recognition we need unless we ask. So what about asking your boss for feedback on a recent project which you have successfully completed? You will make yourself happier, teaching him how to be a better manager in the process! I gotta say that sounds like a great idea. And why limit it to the boss? Your mission this Monday, is to ask a co-worker, team member or employee for feedback. Thanks Marco! By the way: Do you have any ideas for future Monday Tips? How do you make yourself and others happy at work in fun, simple, easy ways? Id love to hear your suggestions, so write a comment if you have one. The Chief Happiness Officers Monday tips are simple, easy, fun things you can do to make yourself and others happy at work and get the work-week off to a great start. Something everyone can do in five minutes, tops. When you try it, write a comment here to tell me how it went. Previous monday tips. Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related